We feature the brightest minds in B2B sales and marketing, sharing secrets to driving greater volume, velocity and conversion of sales pipelines in any industry. We cover the entire pipeline– demand generation, lead management, sales effectiveness, technology and more– all focused on helping you find, manage and win more business.
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
What’s Old is New (Again): Timeless (and Pandemic-Proof) Sales Advice from Joanne Black
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
This week's episode is entitled "What’s Old is New (Again): Timeless (and Pandemic-Proof) Sales Advice from Joanne Black". Joanne is the Founder of No More Cold Calling
I can't imagine a time when referrals or referrals and sales, referrals and business has been more important when channels are shrinking, budgets are shrinking. Joanne's been beating this drum for a long, long time and it's been important and prescient that entire time, and I would imagine she's hearing more from companies right now saying, "How do I build that referral culture?" I ask Joanne why she thinks it's coming up more often now and how has her answer changed or evolved over time?
Read the rest of this entry »Friday Jun 26, 2020
“You’re Hired, Just in Time for a Pandemic!”
Friday Jun 26, 2020
Friday Jun 26, 2020
This week's episode is entitled "You’re Hired, Just in Time for a Pandemic! a lively Q & A with Chorus.ai CEO Jim Benton".
Jim was new to Chorus when the pandemic hit! Jim has a front row seat in terms of seeing how conversations have changed. I ask him what prospects are talking about and how sales teams are pivoting some of their messages as well. We talk about what he has seen by mining their own data and by listening to those changes and what they're finding about the way sales teams have really pivoted in this time.
Read the rest of this entry »Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Brand Management in Uncertain Times
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
This week's episode is called "Brand Management in Uncertain Times". Our guest, Karen Leland, is the President at Sterling Marketing Group.
Listen now for a lot of really great advice on brand framework, brand development, and even care and feeding of your brand, whether it's your personal brand, your team brand, your corporate brand. A lot of what we're talking about today is in her book, The Brand Mapping Strategy. Check it out, for sure.
We talk about building stronger personal, business, and team brands. I ask Karen to talk about those and how those are different and why it's important to differentiate between them.
Everyone has a personal brand and in the world we're in today, I mean, think about it, there are eyeballs than ever looking at people online. I mean, especially, with where we are now.
When we're working with teams to build better alignment between sales and marketing teams, we're very clear with people upfront that the cultural impact, the cultural requirements for change are critical. We have to be able to clarify very articulately and in language, for ourselves and for other people, what exactly is our brand. And my sense is, there's a level of regular disciplined, care and maintenance that goes along with this. I ask Karen, "What does that typically look like?" "What are the ways that people, day to day, week to week, need to think about managing their brand?"
This and a lot more! Read the full transcript on our blog starting Monday, 6/22/20 at 6am PST.
Sales Pipeline Radio is sponsored and produced by Heinz Marketing on the Funnel Radio Channel. I interview the best and brightest minds in sales and Marketing. If you would like to be a guest on Sales Pipeline Radio send an email to Sheena.
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Reinventing Events and Social Hackathons: Innovative Ideas with Corey McCarthy
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
This week's episode is entitled "Reinventing Events and Social Hackathons: Innovative Ideas with Corey McCarthy". Corey is the CMO at Socia.
I was so impressed with my recent experience at EventHack 2020. A must see (watch it on demand) "Hacking the Future of Virtual Events".
We had a great conversation about Corey's role and what Socio is, and what they had to face head on (with great success) just a couple of months ago with the onset of the pandemic.
I ask her "What were some of the leadership lessons?
I think that one of the key things that I've been trying to lean into is trust your gut. I think it's easy to overthink things. And I think that one of the first things that I realized is that there were no rules anymore. Anything that you thought you knew, just throw it out the window. And so we spent a lot of time trying to tap into that authenticity and being completely empathetic with our audience in a time that, they didn't even know what to do..... Transparency is the biggest thing because what I found in my experiences, ambiguity is a motivation killer.
We also discuss lessons for managing a remote team. And so much more.
And as I do for many of my guests-- I ask "What's something you miss you can't wait to do again. And what's something you don't miss that will no longer be part of your new normal moving forward? Great answers.
Listen in now or read the full transcript on the Heinz Marketing blog starting Mon. 6/8/20 at 6am PST.
Tuesday May 26, 2020
What’s your Noble Sales Purpose? Best Practices from Lisa McLeod
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Tuesday May 26, 2020
This week's episode is entitled "What’s your Noble Sales Purpose? Best Practices from Lisa McLeod". Lisa is the founder of McLeod & More as well as the Author of Selling with Noble Purpose.
We have vision and mission. We have objectives and sales. We know what we want to get done, sometimes we happen to think about what the prospect wants out of this as well, but that's different than having a noble selling purpose. Noble sales purpose-- what is it and why is it so important?
When you have this clarity of purpose, it gives you a sight line into your customers. It creates urgency and it also makes you a lot more resilient because if your whole self esteem and self confidence was built on hitting your number, you're having a big problem right now.
The way you find your own unique noble sales purpose is by answering three really critical questions.
How do you make a difference? (How do you improve life for customers?)
What impact do you have on customers? (How do you do it differently than your competition?)
On your best day, what do you love about your job?
And those three questions seem simple, but the answers to them are actually rather profound. And those become the story of your company. And it's a much more compelling story for a sales team and for customers, than we provide superior products and services. Like no one cares about that, at least not now.
So much good stuff... Listen in now or read the full transcript on our blog starting Mon. 6/1/20 6am PST.
Sales Pipeline Radio is sponsored and produced by Heinz Marketing on the Funnel Radio Channel. I interview the best and brightest minds in sales and Marketing. If you would like to be a guest on Sales Pipeline Radio send an email to Sheena.
Friday May 22, 2020
Selling with Empathy and Integrity (Right Now and Always)
Friday May 22, 2020
Friday May 22, 2020
This week's episode is entitled "Selling with Empathy and Integrity (Right Now and Always)" and we are pleased to have as our guest, Mike Schultz, President of RAIN Group and author of multiple best-selling books.
His new book coming July 2020, Virtual Selling, is available for pre-order, along with other books, Rainmaking Conversations, Insight Selling. Folks, do yourself a favor, go to the website for tons of resources, research, webinars, blog posts. These guys do a great job when it comes to content.
I ask Mike "What are you seeing from organizations that have been traditionally in person sellers?"
Quite frankly, the value prop you bring isn't necessarily different just because you're not in person. Because you can't see someone at a trade show doesn't mean you can't still talk to them.
Mike shares five things that are really different now when it comes to virtual selling.
- Managing yourself
- Managing meetings
- How you set up and build relationships
- How you get people to make decisions and how you get them to choose you
- How you actually manage a team that is completely distributed
Of course in light of current times, we also talk about whether or not this pandemic will really permanently change anything.
Listen in now and/or read the transcript on our blog starting Mon. 5/25/20 6am PST.
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tuesday May 12, 2020
This week's episode is entitled "More Sleep, More Sales: The Direct, Science-based Connection Between Sleep and Revenue". Our guest is Jeff Kahn is CEO and Co-Founder of RISE.
In this current world of uncertainty, and stress, and work from home, and homeschooling from home, and all this crazy stuff, getting a better night's sleep is crazy important. Jeff has been at Rise Science now for over six years. I ask him why sleep is such a passion and why he created a business around this.
It was just the simple fact for us that sleep affects, as far as I can tell, every measurable thing that we do know about human functioning, sleep has an effect on that measure. So to think about something that impacts everything that you do, impacts how long you live, and then impacts billions of people, that, it's almost unheard of. There really is nothing else that really impacts people at that scale.
Right now, people are working harder. The boundaries between work and home have really kind of evaporated as we're working from home right now. Jeff gives us some examples of the impact and the correlation between good sleep and productivity, and why that's even more important right now. Listen in to hear his answer to the question "Can you make up sleep debt?"
We talk about the science of sleep. We talk about precisely how getting more sleep can help you get more sales. Jeff also tells us how the app works. Check them out, risescience.com. Go to your favorite app store and look for Rise: Track Sleep. They have generously made the app available for free right now to help folks sort of get through this current craziness.
Sales Pipeline Radio is sponsored and produced by Heinz Marketing on the Funnel Radio Channel. I interview the best and brightest minds in sales and Marketing. If you would like to be a guest on Sales Pipeline Radio send an email to Sheena.
Monday May 11, 2020
Sales Managers Are Who They Hire
Monday May 11, 2020
Monday May 11, 2020
We know when we hire well we succeed and when we hire poorly we fail. Dan Fantasia talks about the hiring environment and hiring so managers succeed. This episode is for Sales Managers and anyone trying to hire well.
On this episode, I talk to Dan Fantasia, President & CEO of Treeline one of the largest sales search firms in the country. I wanted to have him on to talk specifically about recruiting and the hiring market for B2B salespeople.
Sales Pipeline Radio is hosted by Matt Heinz of Heinz Marketing which is a program on the Funnel Radio Channel. Heinz Marketing is the sponsor of Sales Pipeline Radio.
Thursday May 07, 2020
Marketing’s Leadership Moment: Pivots and More with Kevin Marasco
Thursday May 07, 2020
Thursday May 07, 2020
This week's episode is entitled "Marketing’s Leadership Moment: Pivots and more with Kevin Marasco" Kevin is the CEO of Zenefits.
"I think it starts with empathy and understanding the individual and where they are, and even your teams and where they are."
This and a lot more! Listen now or read the transcript on our blog starting Mon. 5/11/20.
Monday May 04, 2020
How to Strategically Align Sales and Marketing in B2B
Monday May 04, 2020
Monday May 04, 2020
In most B2B companies, sales and marketing aren’t strategically aligned. In this podcast Kevin Knieriem shows how to repair sometimes warring factions. This program is for Sales and Marketing Management.
One of the biggest challenges we've seen is the silos between sales and marketing. I ask Kevin how he sees some of the leading companies addressing this conundrum-- And, how is he seeing them overcome and actually create stronger bonds and cohesion between sales and marketing.
We also talk about how he's starting to create and operationalize revenue operations in his own company. He tells us a little bit about what he's seen and experienced including a set of best practices of how to take what can often be good strategic alignment between sales and marketing and really bringing it down to a tactical level like getting going from, "we agree to revenue responsibility across departments at S-K-O" to, what do we do on Tuesday?
He shares some keys to helping make sure operational alignment happens on a day to day tactical level.
I think finally we're seeing a number of places where AI is having real practical applicability and it feels more accessible to organizations.
I also ask him, are there other applications of AI he sees specifically and are there additional elements that may be more theoretical now, that he thinks in the next 1-3 years are going to become more reachable?
Sales Pipeline Radio is hosted by Matt Heinz of Heinz Marketing which is a program on the Funnel Radio Channel. Heinz Marketing is the sponsor of Sales Pipeline Radio.